Bandwidth Shaping VS Traffic Policing

June 18, 2022


In networking, it is essential to manage the flow of traffic in a network. To manage this flow, two common methods are bandwidth shaping and traffic policing. While both methods help control how much traffic flows through a network, they work differently.

In this blog post, we will take a closer look at how bandwidth shaping and traffic policing work, their differences, and when one method is preferred over the other.

Bandwidth Shaping

Bandwidth shaping is a method used to control the bandwidth used by different applications on a network. This method works by limiting the rate at which data can be transmitted by each application.

For example, if you have two applications running on the network, the bandwidth shaping method can be used to limit the rate at which each application can transmit data. This method is useful when there isn't enough bandwidth to go around, and some applications need priority over others.

Bandwidth shaping can be useful in situations where different types of traffic (like voice, video, and web traffic) need to pass through a network. By limiting the rate at which each type of traffic can transmit data, bandwidth shaping can help ensure that all types of traffic get equal access to the network's bandwidth.

Traffic Policing

Traffic policing is another method used to control the flow of traffic in a network. This method works by monitoring the traffic passing through a network and dropping packets that exceed a certain rate.

For example, if the traffic passing through a network exceeds a specific rate, traffic policing can be used to drop packets that exceed that rate. This method is useful when the amount of traffic passing through a network needs to be limited to prevent overload, but there is enough bandwidth to go around.

Traffic policing is beneficial in situations where the network is being used for a specific purpose, like video conferencing. By dropping packets that exceed a certain rate, traffic policing can help ensure that the network doesn't become congested and that the video conference remains stable.

Bandwidth Shaping VS Traffic Policing

The primary difference between bandwidth shaping and traffic policing is how they control traffic. Bandwidth shaping limits the rate at which traffic can be transmitted, while traffic policing drops traffic that exceeds a certain rate.

Another difference between the two methods is the effect they have on network performance. Bandwidth shaping can slow down the speed at which data is transmitted, while traffic policing can cause delay and retransmission.

When to Use Bandwidth Shaping vs Traffic Policing

When to use bandwidth shaping or traffic policing depends on the network's requirements. If the network has limited bandwidth and multiple applications need to access it, then bandwidth shaping is preferred. On the other hand, if the network has enough bandwidth, but specific applications need to have priority, then traffic policing is preferred.

Overall, both bandwidth shaping and traffic policing are essential methods for managing network traffic. They both help ensure that the flow of traffic is managed correctly and can prevent network overload.


In conclusion, bandwidth shaping and traffic policing are two essential methods for managing network traffic. They work differently, and the choice between the two methods depends on the network's requirements.

It's crucial to understand the differences between bandwidth shaping and traffic policing to select the right method for your network. By correctly implementing one of these methods, you can ensure that the network's traffic flow is managed efficiently and prevent network overload.


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